Sunday, July 16, 2017

A new, exciting competition for you (with prizes)

Hi, I'm Mike Scantlebury – author of Scanti-Noir.

If you know me, you'll know I write stories about Amelia Hartliss, Secret Agent, and Mickey from Manchester.

Correction, I write LONG stories.
Novels, mostly. No short stories, or small pieces of fiction. Yet.
For there to be a Mickey or Melia short story would be ground-breaking.
Well, it's happened. I've written one.
And I'm going to give a few lucky people the chance to own this unique extract from the saga that is 'Books about Manchester and Salford'.
A tiny number of people. A select few.

Want to join that club?

Here's the deal.
I'm not selling this unprecedented story.
I'm not giving it away, either.
No, I'm offering it as a prize in a very special competition.
The good news is that everyone who enters for this award will get the prize.
The bad news is that you have to do something for it.
(You can't just buy a ticket!)

I want you to write me a Review.

Now, the good news is that a 'Review' doesn't have to be clever.
It could be short. One word., like 'Interesting'.
It could be a sentence, like 'I enjoyed it'.
It could be a paragraph.
It could be a treatise, a tome, or a volume in itself.
I don't mind.

All I ask is that you got to any of the online bookstores – one or the other -
and add a short review to one of my books.
Any book.
Then, follow one of the links below to either my Twitter or Facebook accounts,
and send me a direct message about what you've done.
Include a link to your Review.
I'll follow the link.
If there's 'a Review' there when I arrive, then you get to read the story.
That's it. That's all. Not much to it, is there?

But hey, I'm not apologising for asking.
I'm an independent writer and publisher. Reviews are my life blood. Because of the arcane rules that an online bookstore like Amazon impose on a free spirit like me, if my books don't get Reviews, they never get promoted. Amazon? Puh. They're crazy.

So, think about it.
If you feel confident about using the international interweb,
and can get yourself out to an online book-store - without getting lost -
then leave a note, and return – safely -
then you get to show off to your friends that you are the proud owner
of a Mike Scantlebury Short Story.
“A what?”
A Mike Scantlebury Short Story.
“But Mike Scantlebury doesn't write short stories!”

Well, you'll know better, won't you?

Okay, sure, this is an experiment.
If it doesn't work, I'll go back to my day job, and write a few more Mickey and Melia novels. (Expect a new one in October, and another before Christmas.)
If it does work, well, I might try it again, some time.
Ouch! I'll have to amend that 'unique' tag then, won't I?
Still, that's well into the future.
For now, there's only this offer.
I'm offering a short story.
I'm asking for a Review.

Let's see how many of you can win that coveted prize.


Mike Scantlebury on Facebook -MikeScantlebury99

Mike Scantlebury on Twitter - @MikeScantlebury